* Note: In these posts, you'll see both names StrengthsFinder and CliftonStrengths used and refer to the same Gallup assessment. The StrengthsFinder assessment was rebranded to CliftonStrengths in 2017. The assessment itself was not changed. The only changes since 2017 have been specific to branding and accessibility. I only refer to it as StrengthsFinder in these posts as that’s still how it’s most widely known today.

First 5 Steps after taking the Gallup StrengthsFinder (or CliftonStrengths) Test
If you’ve taken the Gallup CliftonStrengths (formerly known as StrengthsFinder) Assessment, you might be wondering: “OK, I’ve got my Reports. Now, what should...

Using CliftonStrengths to Review your Goals & Adjust your Approach
It's the middle of the year & a good time to check in on how you're doing on your Goals - both your Progress thus far & the Approach you're taking! Use your CliftonStrengths...

The 6 Most Common Mistakes People Make about CliftonStrengths
Over 30 million people worldwide have taken the Gallup CliftonStrengths Assessment (formerly known as StrengthsFinder). Based on over 50 years of research, this test is a...

CliftonStrengths | Gallup StrengthsFinder Balconies and Basements
CliftonStrengths Balconies and Basements show you the Best and Worst of each Talent Theme. It can help you identify your personal Strengths and Weaknesses...

CliftonStrengths | Gallup StrengthsFinder Strengths vs. Performance
If you've taken the CliftonStrengths Test, you've probably taken the time to identify your Strengths. But are you sure you're not confusing Strengths with just Performance?

How CliftonStrengths | StrengthsFinder exposes your Unique Needs
Your Needs are different than everyone else's. But, do you even know what your specific Needs are? Chances are that not even you can put your own Needs into...

What are the Best Strengths to Have in CliftonStrengths | Gallup StrengthsFinder?
Wondering what are the Best Strengths to have in CliftonStrengths (formerly known as Gallup StrengthsFinder)? Join me as I answer the most common StrengthsFinder...

What is Gallup StrengthsFinder? | What is CliftonStrengths?
"What will happen when we think about what is right about people rather than fixating on what is wrong with them?" That's the basic question that Don Clifton asked. It's...

StrengthsFinder Review: Not for Personal Growth Dabblers
Personal development tools are drastically increasing in popularity. Competition is high and the pressure’s on for individuals to take the helm of their own personal growth...

CliftonStrengths | Gallup StrengthsFinder: Strengths vs. Talent Themes
The most common mistake that people make about their StrengthsFinder results is that they think that their results are their Strengths. They get their results and they...

How (and Where) to Use your CliftonStrengths | StrengthsFinder Results
Let’s talk about how to use your StrengthsFinder Results. What can you actually do with your CliftonStrengths Assessment? But when we have this...

StrengthsFinder Top 5 Results: My Experience 3 Times over 15 Years
I was thinking back on my experience taking Gallup’s StrengthsFinder Test (which has been renamed to CliftonStrengths), and how I’ve taken it 3 times over a 15-year period...

The End of Average: 5 Key Takeaways You Should Know
Be honest. How often do you find yourself comparing yourself to others - whether to specific people you know, such as a sibling, your best friend, or even a co-worker, or...

StrengthsFinder Theme Dynamics: What Talents REALLY Look Like
People get their results and think that their Talent Themes look like 5 separate colors. The truth is that they’re more like a wall of paint samples. Let’s talk about...

StrengthsFinder: Identifying Personal Strengths and Weaknesses
"I suppose it is tempting, if the only tool you have is a hammer, to treat everything as if it were a nail." This quote said by Abraham Maslow in 1966 is known as the Law of the...