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Talents in Action course for Organizations

Talents in Action course for Organizations

Imagine the shifts in your Organization

when each person is encouraged and supported

to develop their natural Talents into Strengths.

Imagine the shifts in your Organization when each person is encouraged and supported to develop their natural Talents into Strengths.

Develop a Strengths-based Culture within your Organization


Conventional thinking focuses on areas of improvement - with an emphasis on fixing Weaknesses. It believes that fixing Weaknesses is what leads to Success. But fixing Weaknesses simply avoids Failure.

A Strengths-based Approach creates dramatic results because it focuses on what's going right. It identifies natural Talents, develops Strengths, and manages Weaknesses. A Strengths-based Approach knows that:

  • Only some behaviors can be learned - e.g. skills, knowledge.
  • The best performers deliver the same outcomes using different behaviors/approaches.
  • Fixing Weaknesses avoids Failure. Strengths-building leads to Success.

Develop a Strengths-based Culture within your Organization


Conventional thinking focuses on areas of improvement - with an emphasis on fixing Weaknesses. It believes that fixing Weaknesses is what leads to Success. But fixing Weaknesses simply avoids Failure.

A Strengths-based Approach creates dramatic results because it focuses on what's going right. It identifies natural Talents, develops Strengths, and manages Weaknesses. A Strengths-based Approach knows that:

  • Only some behaviors can be learned - e.g. skills, knowledge.
  • The best performers deliver the same outcomes using different behaviors/approaches.
  • Fixing Weaknesses avoids Failure. Strengths-building leads to Success.

Nurture the existing Talents & Strengths already within your Organization.

Use the Talents in Action online course for Strengths-based Training

A Strengths-based culture isn't just about a Team or the Organization as a whole.  It starts with each individual. Each person needs to:

  • Identify their own natural Talents (different than anybody else)
  • Understand their value and their contributions as an individual
  • Learn the concepts of a Strengths-based Approach and strategies to put them into practice

Once each member has had time focus on themselves, build their Talents (and their confidence), they'll be in a position to better serve others - whether their colleagues or customers. And that momentum builds outwards - ultimately shaping your culture and outcomes!

The Talents in Action online course is a convenient, flexible, and effective way to allow each person to focus on themselves, their value, their growth, and their potential at their own pace. The digital content means they can revisit the lessons and exercises as much and as often as they'd like - helping re-enforce the lessons and strategies.

Man doing CliftonStrengths based online course
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Person doing CliftonStrengths based online course

Use the Talents in Action online course for Strengths-based Training

A Strengths-based culture isn't just about a Team or the Organization as a whole.  It starts with each individual. Each person needs to:

  • Identify their own natural Talents (different than anybody else)
  • Understand their value and their contributions as an individual
  • Learn the concepts of a Strengths-based Approach and strategies to put them into practice

Once each member has had time focus on themselves, build their Talents (and their confidence), they'll be in a position to better serve others - whether their colleagues or customers. And that momentum builds outwards - ultimately shaping your culture and outcomes!

The Talents in Action online course is a convenient, flexible, and effective way to allow each person to focus on themselves, their value, their growth, and their potential at their own pace. The digital content means they can revisit the lessons and exercises as much and as often as they'd like - helping re-enforce the lessons and strategies.

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Benefits for your Teams & Organization

  • No need to coordinate Training dates/times.
  • No overhead cost of travel, time, or resources for centralized Training.
  • The content far exceeds what can be covered in live, multi-day Training sessions or Workshops.
    • The content is not just superficial, introductory concepts. The material goes deep to share practical tools and strategies that will make a difference.
    • Pre-recorded content allows the opportunity to focus the curriculum to include more material for deeper understanding.
  • Participants can re-watch the content as desired at any time.
    • Perfect for varying learning styles and paces.
    • Great for a refresher months later. Repetition is key to making long-lasting changes.
    • Ideal for long-term investment for organizations, allowing members to re-visit the content at no additional financial cost.
  • Consistent curriculum for everyone.
    • New participants can be added over time - for example: as part of an onboarding process.
    • Creates a common language to support your Strengths-based Culture.
      • Facilitates communication across colleagues and teams
      • Eases communication between participants and supervisors - e.g. during reviews, discussing professional development path.
  • Progress reports can be made available for organizations to track how far each member has gone in completing the course content.

Personal Benefits for the Individual

  • The course content is designed with each person's Individuality in mind.
    • The content is designed to be used in conjunction with the participant's CliftonStrengths Top 5 results.
    • Despite the consistent curriculum, the learning experience and takeaways will be different for each person.
  • The course is available online 24/7. They can access the material from anywhere, at anytime.
  • Independent self-learning:
    • No worries about what others will think of them, their thoughts, or their participation. They can be honest with themselves while doing the exercises.
    • They can go through the material at their own pace.
  • The content takes an in-depth, practical approach - giving participants tools and strategies to use.
  • The material will benefit them beyond your Organization - e.g. work/school.
    • They can apply what they're learning to other parts of their lives, such as: home, family, relationships, community, time alone, decision-making, and more.
    • They can use the tools and strategies that they're learning in the future. (For example: a different career/role)
  • Participants can re-watch the content as desired at any time.
    • Perfect for varying learning styles and paces.
    • Great for a refresher weeks/months later. Repetition is key to making long-lasting changes.
  • The course provides language they can use with their supervisors and colleagues to support a Strengths-based mindset, Culture, and their own professional development.

Benefits for your Teams & Organization

  • No need to coordinate Training dates/times.
  • No overhead cost of travel, time, or resources for centralized Training.
  • The content far exceeds what can be covered in live, multi-day Training sessions or Workshops.
    • The content is not just superficial, introductory concepts. The material goes deep to share practical tools and strategies that will make a difference.
    • Pre-recorded content allows the opportunity to focus the curriculum to include more material for deeper understanding.
  • Participants can re-watch the content as desired at any time.
    • Perfect for varying learning styles and paces.
    • Great for a refresher months later. Repetition is key to making long-lasting changes.
    • Ideal for long-term investment for organizations, allowing members to re-visit the content at no additional financial cost.
  • Consistent curriculum for everyone.
    • New participants can be added over time - for example: as part of an onboarding process.
    • Creates a common language to support your Strengths-based Culture.
      • Facilitates communication across colleagues and teams
      • Eases communication between participants and supervisors - e.g. during reviews, discussing professional development path.
  • Progress reports can be made available for organizations to track how far each member has gone in completing the course content.

Personal Benefits for each Individual

  • The course content is designed with each person's Individuality in mind.
    • The content is designed to be used in conjunction with the participant's CliftonStrengths Top 5 results.
    • Despite the consistent curriculum, the learning experience and takeaways will be different for each person.
  • The course is available online 24/7. They can access the material from anywhere, at anytime.
  • Independent self-learning:
    • No worries about what others will think of them, their thoughts, or their participation. They can be honest with themselves while doing the exercises.
    • They can go through the material at their own pace.
  • The content takes an in-depth, practical approach - giving participants tools and strategies to use.
  • The material will benefit them beyond your Organization - e.g. work/school.
    • They can apply what they're learning to other parts of their lives, such as: home, family, relationships, community, time alone, decision-making, and more.
    • They can use the tools and strategies that they're learning in the future. (For example: a different career/role)
  • Participants can re-watch the content as desired at any time.
    • Perfect for varying learning styles and paces.
    • Great for a refresher weeks/months later. Repetition is key to making long-lasting changes.
  • The course provides language they can use with their supervisors and colleagues to support a Strengths-based mindset, Culture, and their own professional development.

Introducing the Talents in Action course to your Organization 

How does an online course get rolled out to each person?

We'll work together to determine the best approach to introduce the Talents in Action online course to your Organization's members. You have options on how that might work, including follow-up services to support the roll-out.

Some of the factors we'll discuss upfront:

  • What are your goals for introducing Strengths-based Training to your Organization?
  • Decide whether you want the course for a sub-group (e.g. team, department) or across the organization.
  • What's your overall timeline?
  • What activities will you plan within your organization to ensure the Training goes beyond just the course and becomes part of the Organization's language, plans, and culture?
Two co-workers discussing CliftonStrengths concepts
Gallup StrengthsFinder / CliftonStrengths books and reports

Making the content individualized and relevant to each person

Each person will have their own independent account to the learning platform.  This means they can go at their own pace and watch the content as much and often as they'd like - including months later for review!

As part of this program (and a prerequisite to starting the course), each person will take the Gallup CliftonStrengths Assessment.  It's an online assessment that identifies a person's predominant Talent Themes - that is: their natural patterns of Thinking, Feeling, and Behaving that can be productively applied.

After taking the assessment, each person will have their Top 5 Talent Themes, and accompanying reports.  The chances of someone else having the same Top 5 results is: 1 in 33.4 Million!

The Talents in Action course is designed to work with each person's CliftonStrengths results.  So despite a common curriculum, each person's experience going through the course will be personalized to them.

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Introducing the Talents in Action course to your Organization 

Two co-workers discussing CliftonStrengths concepts

How does an online course get rolled out to each person?

We'll work together to determine the best approach to introduce the Talents in Action online course to your Organization's members. You have options on how that might work, including follow-up services to support the roll-out.

Some of the factors we'll discuss upfront:

  • What are your goals for introducing Strengths-based Training to your Organization?
  • Decide whether you want the course for a sub-group (e.g. team, department) or across the organization.
  • What's your overall timeline?
  • What activities will you plan within your organization to ensure the Training goes beyond just the course and becomes part of the Organization's language, plans, and culture?
Gallup StrengthsFinder / CliftonStrengths books and reports

Making the content individualized and relevant to each person

Each person will have their own independent account to the learning platform.  This means they can go at their own pace and watch the content as much and often as they'd like - including months later for review!

As part of this program (and a prerequisite to starting the course), each person will take the Gallup CliftonStrengths Assessment.  It's an online assessment that identifies a person's predominant Talent Themes - that is: their natural patterns of Thinking, Feeling, and Behaving that can be productively applied.

After taking the assessment, each person will have their Top 5 Talent Themes, and accompanying reports.  The chances of someone else having the same Top 5 results is: 1 in 33.4 Million!

The Talents in Action course is designed to work with each person's CliftonStrengths results.  So despite a common curriculum, each person's experience going through the course will be personalized to them.

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Course Overview:

The course consists of video lessons, notes, and exercises (e.g. worksheets/activities). It's packed with examples to demonstrate topics from various perspectives. And most importantly, it doesn't just talk about concepts at a high level.  There are video lessons specifically designed to put topics into practice - that is, how to use concepts in practical day-to-day life.

The program is broken into four parts as follows:

Two feet standing on a Star

Part 1: Your Talents, Strengths, & Your Individuality

  • Learn about the Gallup CliftonStrengths Assessment - history, background, what the results mean
  • Realize Your Greatness: Understand your predominant Talents and how they influence your Individuality
  • Identify how your Talents contribute to your Strengths
  • Get clear on your specific Strengths and how you use them in different areas of your life
  • Explore how your Individuality impacts HOW and WHY you do what you do
  • Differentiate between your Strengths and your Performance
Frustrated woman covering her face with her hands

Part 2: What about Weaknesses?

  • Define what Weaknesses are and where they come from
  • Explore misconceptions about Strengths and Weaknesses
  • Identify your particular Weaknesses and what's influencing them
  • Understand how your Weaknesses impact you, others, and the environments around you
  • Learn Tools to identify your Weaknesses in the moment and Strategies to manage them
Person balancing on a rock in front or a sunset

Part 3: Knowing Your WHY, Needs, & Values

  • Explore the factors impacting your personal motivations
  • Learn Tools to uncover your deeper, underlying WHYs
  • Discuss the impact of your personal Needs & core Values in your life
  • Identify your specific Needs & Values (different from others), and how your Talents influence them
  • Get clear on the ways you connect with others, and how they impact your Relationships
  • Explore your levels of Self-Care and Resilience, and what you need to do to stay energized
Interlocking cogs with the words Strengths & Weaknesses printed on them

Part 4: Putting your Talents into Practice

  • Practical lessons on using a Strengths-based Approach in your day-to-day life
  • Emphasis on your Talents, Strengths, and your Value as an Individual - i.e. how do you contribute
  • Explore Tools & Strategies to deal with everyday scenarios & challenges
  • Identify & create opportunities that are the Right Fit for who you are
  • Use your Individuality to improve your relationships with others
  • Shift your focus from obstacles & problem-solving towards your true, underlying goals and WHYs

Plus these added Bonuses:

Man balancing on his hands while stretching his legs outwards in the air

Bonus Module: Stretching Your Strengths

Take your foundational knowledge further! This Bonus module teaches you how to experiment with the variables you see when using your Talents. With intentional tweaks, you can expand how you use your Talents, exceed your current Strengths, and even develop new ones.

Woman speaking up in a Workshop event

Bonus Module: Using Your Talents to Connect & Communicate

No two communicators have the same style or delivery.  The key is to find an approach that is authentic to who you are. This live workshop recording explores how you can use your particular Top 5 Talent Theme combination to effectively Connect and Communicate with others while still being true to you and your natural Talents.


Desk with StrengthsFinder book, reports, and screen showing online course

Let's Discuss

Whatever your Organization's needs are, we can find an approach that works best for you and your team members. I like to understand your organization, its goals and vision upfront so that our work together is in context to help support that.

Reach out to me so that we can discuss your Organization, any questions you may have, and how Strengths-based Training can best serve you.

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